Kamagra Israel

Kamagra - Is It Legal?

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Is kamagra legal?

Much has been said about the wonder gel that has changed the lives of millions of men in Israel and around the world - it is an improved version of Viagra that will not only weigh you down less in your pocket, but will also go into action faster and will not require you to go through HMO. In fact you can choose to consume Kamagra in turn with pills, gels or lozenges. Which is also another advantage that does not exist in Viagra.

Indeed, there are a variety of benefits that make Kamagra a coveted and successful hit among men of all ages who want to improve their performance in the bedroom, whether they experience any impotence problems or alternatively rapid ejaculation - or whether they "just" want to upgrade the sexual experience to a level Another of pleasure, passion and love.

But now, it may sound too good to be true. And you're probably asking, so what's the catch? Actually there is no catch as long as you buy Kamagra from a reliable and old company like Kamagra Israel. We have 10 years of experience in the Kamagra field. We follow the manufacturer's instructions when it comes to storing the kamagra and supplying the product in its original packaging while maintaining maximum freshness. The only thing you have to be very vigilant about is the existence of imitators as there are in every field. You can identify these in a variety of ways, usually they will make illogical promises such as delivery within 20 minutes or simply try to impersonate a well-known company.

Is it allowed to sell kamagra?

First let's make it clear that Kamagra is a dietary supplement that is sold all over the world. The preparation is manufactured in India by "Ajanta Pharma Limited." And since Pfizer doesn't have any patents on it Viagra In this country - there has never been a problem with its sale and distribution. As of today, the preparation does not receive the status of a medicine mainly for bureaucratic reasons. Hence the whole question of legality just jumped out the window. If it is not a drug - there is no question of legality. Kamagra contains the active ingredient sildenafil, which is currently marketed in a variety of preparations such as - Viagra, Sanfors, Terim, Sildenafil Teva - and a variety of other names and Viagra substitutes approved for use and marketing by the Ministry of Health in Israel.

If you ask about the position of the Ministry of Health, it is a cumbersome body that has difficulty making decisions within a reasonable period of time. As in any other issue also in the context of the Kamagra they pose various and strange bureaucratic difficulties. The exact reason for this approach is sublime to our understanding, and you will need to contact the Ministry of Health with this question. On the positive side, over the years we have witnessed a change in attitude on the part of the authorities (among others regarding Kamagra, Cannabis And other materials). The general line today is the enabling of private consumption with the understanding that at the end of the day each person is responsible for his body and actions, and he is the one responsible for checking the legality and reliability of the consumer products he receives whether it is spoiled chocolate or a dietary supplement Another important point here is A. that only serious entities and companies should engage in its import and distribution in order to prevent the passage of counterfeits into the borders of Israel - and B. the preparation must be stored and handled strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Is Kamagra legal in Israel?

So is the Kamagra preparation legal?

As mentioned, according to the information in our possession, there is absolutely no legal or other obstacle regarding personal consumption of Kamagra. Moreover, even if you bring Kamagra with you from abroad from another country - most likely you will be able to enter Israel with it without any problem, since you are the main ones responsible for your body and your health and in fact the Ministry of Health acknowledges and acknowledges this. In other words, there is no legal problem with Kamagra products, it is not about drugs or radioactive preparations but a preparation from the same legitimate and legal family of brands such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and others - and millions of men from all over the world use it regularly, and enjoy the excellent results in improving sex life, and improving self-confidence.

So if there is a problem of how the product is perceived and presented to the public it is a problem that stems from an outdated and cumbersome and even irresponsible policy of the Ministry of Health that acts similarly to the Standards Institute slowly and awkwardly while consumers are forced to navigate an unregulated and unsupervised consumer market. It will be clarified that Kamagra Israel does not take the law into its own hands and emphasizes that the preparation is safe to use according to many tests performed in Israel and abroad and therefore and with a position paper from the Ministry of Health regarding the introduction of the preparation in Israel, we believe and understand that there is no problem with Kamagra. Legal with no other generic Viagra preparation containing sildenafil citrate that has been marketed to consumers for over two decades under brand names that are probably more convenient for the country for its own reasons to give them priority and supposedly display under a different consumer category than substitutes that bypass the complicated bureaucratic system.

Kamagra is legal
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