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What causes premature ejaculation? And is Kamagra part of the solution?

Are you frustrated by premature ejaculation? you are not alone. Many men suffer from this condition, and there are ways to help. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of premature ejaculation and examine whether Kamagra is a viable solution.

Source: toppharm.co


Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common problem affecting 30-40% of men. This occurs when a man ejaculates within 1 to 3 minutes of penetration. PE can occur at any age and is not directly caused by aging, although it may be affected by changes in erection and ejaculation as men age. The key to overcoming this issue is understanding that PE is usually solvable and just one part of a couple's physical relationship.

Ejaculation involves different areas of the brain and spinal cord that are interconnected by different neurotransmitters. The exact cause of premature ejaculation remains largely unknown, but it is known to be a problem in Asia, Australia, Africa and other parts of the world. In some cases, PE can be a problem for men with erectile dysfunction (ED), when the penis does not stay firm enough for sex. Men with primary premature ejaculation often have psychological reasons such as a traumatic sexual experience at a young age.

There are a variety of treatments available to treat premature ejaculation, including exercises, therapy, and medications. These treatments may help improve PE by providing more control over ejaculation or reducing ED symptoms so that patients are better able to have sex over time.

What is premature ejaculation?
Source: toppharm.co

What is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common problem affecting approximately 30-40% of men. It can be defined as the sudden and uncontrolled release of sperm during sexual intercourse. The DSM-IV describes PE as persistent or repeated ejaculation within minutes. Statistics show that 4 to 39% of men suffer from this condition.

The causes of PE can vary, from physical problems to chemical imbalances. Primary PE is often psychological, such as a traumatic experience during sex at a young age, while secondary PE occurs when a man was previously able to last longer in bed, but suddenly develops the problem.

Fortunately, there are treatments available for PE sufferers. Different pills have their own side effects, ranging from mild headaches to more serious conditions such as erectile dysfunction. Medications such as Viagra may also help with this problem, as they are designed to increase blood flow to the penis during arousal. Other effective treatments include counseling and various forms of therapy that focus on underlying psychological issues that may be causing the problem.

What causes premature ejaculation?
Source: toppharm.co

What causes premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common problem for many men, affecting up to 40% of them. This is also known as rapid ejaculation, early climax or premature ejaculation. PE can be caused by physical problems, chemical imbalances and stress. Emotional or mental stress in any area of life can play a role in PE, as it can limit a person's ability to relax and enjoy sexual activity. According to the DSMIV, premature ejaculation is defined as persistent or repeated ejaculation within minutes of intercourse. Statistics indicate that 4-39% of the men have experienced this condition at some point in their lives.

PE can be divided into two types: primary and secondary. Primary PE occurs when a man has experienced persistent ejaculations since becoming sexually active. Psychological reasons may be a factor here, such as a traumatic sexual experience at a young age. Secondary PE means you've had longer bowel movements in the past, but have recently developed the problem – this can be due to physical or psychological changes such as stress or anxiety.

Erections are all about blood flow; When it's stimulated, blood flows into the tissue inside your penis, making it bigger and stiffer - allowing penetration during sex. If this process is disrupted due to mental or physical factors then premature ejaculation can occur more easily.

If you think you may have PE then it is important to talk to your doctor to discuss available treatments such as

psychological reasons
Source: toppharm.co

psychological reasons

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual problem experienced by about 30-40% of men. It can lead to frustration during intercourse and may be caused by physical, chemical or psychological factors such as early sexual experiences, depression, anxiety, guilt and relationship problems. This is also known as rapid ejaculation, early climax or premature ejaculation.

In most cases of PE, there is no underlying medical condition; Instead it is caused by psychological problems such as low self-esteem and sexual inexperience. Experts still aren't sure what the exact cause of PE is, but research shows it's mostly mental in nature. Physical causes can include prostate problems and hormonal imbalances.

If PE only occurs occasionally then it is nothing to worry about; However if it persists then psychotherapy can help address the issues that are causing the problem. These treatments focus on improving self-esteem and sexual skills/techniques.

biological reasons
Source: toppharm.co

biological reasons

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common problem for men, affecting between 30-40%. The exact cause of PE is unknown, but it is thought to be caused by a combination of physical and psychological factors. Aging does not directly cause PE, but can contribute to changes in erectile function and ejaculation. Neurotransmitters in the brain are involved in the ejaculation process, however, it is likely that psychological factors or consequences also contribute. Symptoms of PE include poor ejaculation control during intercourse and most attempts within the past 6 months have resulted in premature ejaculation. Treatment for PE can vary from person to person and may include medication, therapy, or lifestyle changes.

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation
Source: toppharm.co

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual problem among men, when the sperm leaves the body earlier than desired during intercourse. This is also known as rapid ejaculation, early climax or premature ejaculation. Statistics indicate that 4 to 39% of men suffer from PE. This can be frustrating and can cause distress in relationships. The DSMIV describes this as continuous or repeated ejaculation within minutes.

Several reasons can lead to premature ejaculation, such as psychological trauma experienced at a young age, or a combination of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Premature ejaculation may also occur during foreplay, or when trying to insert the penis during intercourse.

Although it can be disturbing for some men, premature ejaculation does not necessarily have to be a cause for concern. A 2019 study found that PE and ED can be successfully treated together with the right approach.

Treatment options for premature ejaculation
Source: toppharm.co

Treatment options for premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual problem in men, affecting up to 39% of men. It is the inability to control or delay ejaculation during sexual activity. Treatment options for PE vary depending on the cause, but often include behavioral therapy, medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra). Sildenafil is particularly effective for the treatment of PE and has a higher effectiveness rate than other treatments such as paroxetine and squeezing techniques. Dapoxetine is an SSRI specifically designed to treat PE and can be taken "on demand" with doses usually taken one to three hours before intercourse. Other commonly prescribed treatments for erectile dysfunction such as Viagra, Cialis, vardenafil (formerly sold as Staxin and Levitra), and Stendra can also be used to treat premature ejaculation in some cases.

Medicines to treat premature ejaculation
Source: www.onlinekamagra.org

Medicines to treat premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common problem for many men. Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments available to help manage it. Prescription and over-the-counter medications such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis, Esirca), avenfil (Stendra), and vardenafil can be effective in treating PE. These drugs may cause some side effects, such as headaches, but have been shown to be much more effective than paroxetine and squeezing techniques. In addition, Viagra is also prescribed to many men with premature ejaculation due to its ability to help maintain an erection after ejaculation and reduce the refractory period before a new erection can occur.

Besides medication, other potential treatments for PE include a numbing cream such as EMLA that can reduce penile sensitivity during sexual activities such as foreplay, masturbation, intercourse, etc. It is important to talk to a doctor before starting any premature ejaculation treatment.

How does kamagra help men suffering from premature ejaculation
Source: toppharm.co

How does kamagra help men suffering from premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a common problem among men, where they ejaculate earlier than desired during intercourse. It is often accompanied by erectile problems, and it is known that treatments such as Viagra or Cialis improve both conditions. A 2019 study found sildenafil to be effective and safe in the treatment of premature ejaculation, with higher efficacy than paroxetine and squeeze techniques. Viagra can also be prescribed to help maintain an erection after ejaculation and reduce the time of resistance before another erection can occur.

The causes of premature ejaculation can vary, with performance anxiety, increased sensitivity and increased stress levels being some of the most common causes. Fortunately, there are several medications available that may help treat the condition. One example is Kamagra Jelly with soft gel capsules that can help improve blood flow in the genital area to promote arousal and delay premature ejaculation.

In addition to medication, there are other things you can do to control premature ejaculation such as relaxation techniques or time to focus on foreplay before sex. Whatever you decide, it's important to talk to a doctor if you feel your condition is affecting your quality of life so they can suggest treatments that will work best for you.

Picture of ד"ר פאטל (אורולוג מומחה בטיפול בבעיות זיקפה)

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