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Tubal ligation: is full equality found in the contraceptive market?

Tubal ligation is a medical procedure aimed at preventing pregnancy. During the procedure, the sperm tube that connects the testicles to the penis is tied or, more precisely, undergoes precise cutting and cauterization of both ends, thus preventing insemination and pregnancy. The procedure is done using a special tool and must be performed by a doctor. The procedure has been done since the beginning of the 20th century, but over the years new technologies have been developed for tying the vas deferens, so there are several methods for performing the procedure.

Today, there are about 25 different types of different contraceptives on the Israeli market, but not all of them really provide the same results, so vasectomy remains a useful option for those who want to prevent pregnancy.

Blockage of the vas deferens

Tubal ligation is a long-term contraceptive tool for couples who do not intend to get pregnant in the near future, but want to keep the option for the future. It is an effective contraceptive that completely prevents the sperm from reaching the egg and fertilizing it, thus preventing pregnancy.

This is a common procedure that allows pregnancy prevention for several years and the tie can be removed when the couple is ready and wants to get pregnant. The advantage of the method is that no additional contraceptive measures are required and it is possible to have full sexual intercourse with peace of mind, without condoms and yet without fear of unwanted pregnancy.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The insemination binding is almost safe in 100% and does not harm the integrity of the penis, the pleasure of sex, the feeling of satisfaction or the spontaneous stimulation at the beginning of existence intercourse. But above all, the most important advantage is that it is reversible! Then, if you regret it and decide to have more children, you can go back.

It is advisable to do this in the five years after the operation since the operation is more successful then. Want more benefits? Please: the action relieves the woman of the responsibility to continue using contraceptives such as pills or devices that may harm her health. The absence of ejaculation will make the sexual contact between couples who have finished expanding the family nucleus more spontaneous and naturally free, without fear of "accidents".

And along with all the advantages of success, there are also disadvantages: a rare but existing condition that causes the tissues at both ends of the burnt tubule to fuse and adhere to each other, creating a passage of sperm cells. What in practice means that tying the sperm tube gives protection above 99% but apparently there is no such thing as perfect and there is still a possible scenario at a low level - similar to the level of protection provided by, for example, an intrauterine device or birth control pills.

Another disadvantage is the question of regret: if the man has gone back on his decision and wants to reverse the situation - he will have to undergo a complex microsurgical operation, after which the probability of fertilization is only about 50 percent. The probability even decreases as time passes since the tubal ligation. In addition, the ligation does not prevent the transmission of diseases or infections, it may, in extremely rare situations, lead to the escape of sperm and irreversible damage to the quality of the sperm, and above all, the operation is simply expensive: around 2,000 dollars in hospitals in Israel.

Picture of ד"ר פאטל (אורולוג מומחה בטיפול בבעיות זיקפה)

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