Kamagra Israel

Kamagra Sutra: The doggy-style pose

Doggy style position - a comprehensive guide

Doggy style (from English: Doggy Style; dog position) is one of the most classic and popular positions in the sex. But what exactly are the advantages and disadvantages of this position?

What is the doggy-style position?

In this position, the woman stands on all fours and faces away from the man, and the man stands behind her. This is a position that allows for particularly deep penetration.

In addition to the tips mentioned, it is worth remembering that the doggy-style position is often more challenging for the man from a physical point of view.

Therefore, men who suffer from erectile dysfunction or erectile instability may find it more difficult for them to enjoy or perform properly in this position.

In such cases, you can consider using products to improve sexual quality at home Kamagra Israel.

For example, preparations like Kamagra Gel or kamagra gold can greatly help in strengthening the erection and improving the sex performance in the doggy style position.

This way you can maximize the pleasure for both partners in this position. Correct use of Kamagra products will allow a more enjoyable and satisfying sex experience.

doggy style

The benefits of the pose

  • Very deep penetration
  • Easy access and movement for the man
  • Intense sexual stimulation for a woman
  • The man's control over the pace and intensity of penetration
  • Possibility of sexual contact and stimulation for both parties

People like this pose for several reasons:

"Doggy" allows free movement of both partners and therefore allows both to control the depth and intensity of penetration.
Many women claim that this position allows more intense stimulation of the G-spot during penetration compared to any other position.

This position also gives the man a sense of control and also allows him to use a lot of energy in penetration and at the same time allows him to use his hands or a sex toy to stimulate the clitoris and/or the anus area.

Possible disadvantages

  • Physical effort for the woman
  • Difficulty maintaining eye contact
  • Less emotional intimacy
  • Not suitable for women in advanced pregnancy

Tips for optimal performance

  • Knees and palms must be protected from a hard surface
  • The tilt angle of the back can be changed to adjust penetration
  • It is recommended to use objects to separate the knees for stimulation
  • Open communication is essential for mutual enjoyment

in brief,

The doggy-style position can greatly increase sexual pleasure for both parties. With communication, creativity and mutual consideration, you can minimize the disadvantages and maximize the benefits of this pose.

Picture of ד"ר פאטל (אורולוג מומחה בטיפול בבעיות זיקפה)

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