Kamagra Israel

Over-the-counter viagra

Millions of men have already used and enjoyed the groundbreaking drug called Viagra. Difficulty getting an erection? Impotence problems? Viagra gives a good solution to this.

In pharma stores in Israel, Viagra is currently available if you are a man over the age of 35 and provided that you do not belong to the group and are limited to about 50 mg per day. The main problem here is that you have to get a prescription first, which means going to the doctor… waiting in line at the store… and for a not particularly cheap price.

But all this is about to change for you if you just keep reading, because we are about to expose you to the wonderful world of generic Viagra and Viagra substitutes - sexual enhancement products that you can achieve more easily and quickly, and it will be even less noticeable in your pocket. 

Is over-the-counter Viagra approved by the Ministry of Health?

The active ingredient that works in Viagra is called sildenafil and is also the active ingredient that makes the drug effective in treating impotence and premature ejaculation.

Although the substance is approved for use by the Ministry of Health in Israel, it may endanger people with a certain medical background and for this reason, until 2018, the drug was allowed to be purchased only with a doctor's prescription.

Over time, the decision-makers at the Ministry of Health were convinced to open the market to competition, and today the drug and its substitutes can be purchased in the pharmacy chains as well as on authorized websites.

Viagra substitutes without a prescription

As a general rule, a generic preparation is a preparation that is produced together with the active ingredient that works in the original medicine, but through a different manufacturer and often together with slightly different characteristics from the original medicine.

The original Viagra did indeed make an important and positive world revolution, but it came with some disadvantages that affected the effectiveness of the use of the drug.

Original Viagra Without Prescription

The need to obtain a doctor's prescription is already a difficulty in itself, but dangerous side effects were a more daunting consideration, along with a relatively short range of effects and high prices.

Since then, good quality generic substitutes have been born, in which the same active ingredient is used, as in the original Viagra, but the characteristics of the generic preparations are slightly different from the original.

Over-the-counter Viagra - Kamagra

Kamagra preparation Is a generic substitute for Viagra, and it comes in the form of fruit and chocolate flavored gels; Chewy candies in such and such flavors; Or as swallowing pills.

The preparation is convenient to use, suitable even for those who do not want to swallow pills, you can buy it on our website (Kamagra Israel) and receive personal delivery to your address and all with reasonable prices.


A generic supplement with Viagra, which is common and well-known especially because of its long-lasting effect, which lasts 36 hours and allows for a wild occupation for a weekend, or a satisfied night.

Unlike the original Viagra, Cialis has a particularly fast effect, it can be bought at pharma chains, pharmacies and chain sites and it is actually perceived as safe to play, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, at least like the original Viagra.


Supplemental style with Viagra substitute, contains ingredients about the same value, in the same doses as those found in the original Viagra, but at lower and more convenient prices. It is available at chain sites, pharmacies and pharma chains - without a doctor's prescription.

pay attention!

Even when buying with Viagra substitutes online you should pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions and instructions, check if there is any personal opposition for you to play with the drug, due to a particular clinical presentation, or taking contradictory drugs and so on.

It must be checked that the website from the game in which you purchase the medicine is reliable and licensed, that the products are approved through the Ministry of Health in Israel and are considered convinced of the game.

Over-the-counter Viagra - A Success Story

There are cases in which the establishment understands the needs with the ordinary citizens and goes towards them in order to facilitate confrontation during the day. Thankfully, this is the case even while it refers to over-the-counter Viagra.

Today you can safely buy a selection of alternatives from nature or generic to Viagra, without a doctor's prescription without fear, optimize the quality of your life in a phenomenal way, make your spouse (or partner) happy and gain more control over your sex life.

Generic Viagra directly from the importer - delivery with a courier all over the country

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