Kamagra Israel

Kamagra Super Pharm Gel

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Updated: September 6, 2023

Today we will examine a subject that concerns many men and it is Why is kamagra not sold in super pharm (And this is in continuation of the previous post where we explained why Kamagra is considered a nutritional supplement and any other definition involves a long and tedious process of approvals and clinical trials - a process that is expected to be completed within a few years and then you will be able to see Kamagra in all the pharmacy chains in Israel).

So, as many men ask us: why can't you get Kamagra in a super pharm?

Actually, that's a great question. So if there is still someone who doesn't know, Kamagra gel is a product to improve performance in bed (treats all impotence problems). The way the preparation works is reminiscent of the way Viagra, Cialis, and other drugs work. Kamagra gel comes with a number of essential advantages that every man who receives the preparation is enthusiastic about - among other things, it is about a quick effect time (starting from 10-15 minutes), an optimal use experience, and high availability of the preparation through a simple online order with a courier delivered to you - and of course , the highlight: the whole process is carried out easily, quickly and most importantly: discreetly and without a doctor's prescription. Here, too, just like with Viagra, sildenafil is the active ingredient in the preparation and it is the ingredient that allows you to maintain an erection for an extremely long period of time, one that allows you to enjoy again and again (literally!). The drier data indicate that sildenafil belongs to the family of PDE5 phosphodiesterase enzyme inhibitors, and millions of men around the world regularly use various preparations based on this active ingredient for the treatment of a variety of problems and impotence difficulties.

Kamagra gel is manufactured in India by the Ajanta-Pharm company which is an international pharmaceutical company, whose products are sold all over the world and receive standards and approvals as required. In the case of Kamagra Gel, the company focuses on the local market, that is, in India, and as of today does not concentrate most of its efforts on the approval and standardization of the product in Europe and the USA, perhaps due to internal preparation in the company for such large-scale production, since it is clear that a generic replacement of Viagra which is sold at a discounted price can create a demand for millions of kamagra gel sachets per day, and this is something to be prepared for. Regarding Israel, the situation is derived from what is happening in the rest of the Western world, and as long as there are no official approvals and licenses such as the FDA, it is difficult to market the product in a public way, and to have it on the shelves of pharmacies, including Super Pharm. Therefore, as of today, there is a status quo in which Kamagra gel is marketed and sold in Israel, but in a limited and controlled manner, in fact only through the Internet, on websites such as Kamagra Israel, Kamagra Pharm, and others.

Kamagra Super Pharm
Looking for Kamagra at Super Pharm?

This is why Kamagra products are not on the shelves of Super Pharm

Since this is a relatively new product in the world of erection enhancement and sexual performance products - its absence from the shelf mainly indicates the fact that he is a new player on the field, and this actually indicates some of its benefits. Kamagra Gel manages to innovate where the older and more familiar players are less successful. As mentioned, the effect time starts from 10 to 15 minutes. It's very fast compared to about 40 minutes you'll have to wait with other products, and when it comes to preparing for a stormy night, or maybe a spontaneous act in the middle of the day, “scheduling is everything” and no one wants to wait, especially not your partner waiting for you and needing you ready now. hour.

Who is the manufacturer of Ajanta-Pharm Kamagra?

Ajanta-Pharm has many products. Each year about 15 of them receive official approvals for their sale in the United States as regular drugs. This is a growing company, so it's only a matter of time before Kamagra Gel also has the official status of a drug sold in the various pharma chains, and in our opinion also in Super Pharm. It should be understood that the standards and criteria (and bureaucracy) for approving a new drug are very strict and clinical trials are required to allow distribution and sale on a large scale and mass, and currently Kamagra Gel is not there yet, but because it is a generic drug (generic Viagra) and from our deep acquaintance With the product, we can attest that there is no risk in a product that does not naturally exist in products such as Viagra, Cialis and others. Each medicinal product comes with the labels and instructions for use and we recommend that you follow these instructions, in order to avoid unwanted side effects.

see also: Kamagra Pharm (Kamagra Pharmacy)

Keywords: Kamagra gel Super Pharm price, Kamagra for sale Super Pharm, Kamagra in Super Pharm
Kamagra Super Pharm
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